About the video
Menstruation is bleeding from the vagina, which happens to girls and women every month. In this video you’ll learn what menstruation is, what kinds of menstrual protection you can use and what you can do if you have pain during your period. You will also get information about what time of the month you can get pregnant.
Questions to think about after the video
- Is there anything in the video you think is especially important to learn?
- Menstruating means that the body is working the way it should. Periods aren’t unclean or a disease. How do we talk about menstruation in society? Is it easy or hard to talk about menstruation? What makes it easier or more difficult?
- What do you wish people around you knew about periods?
Do you want to talk about the video?
Talking with someone about the video can feel important and give new insights. You might have questions and thoughts that are good to discuss with others rather than just thinking about them on your own. By sharing and listening to each other, we can get support and learn together.
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