The vaginal corona
About the video
The video about the vaginal corona shows what the opening of the vagina looks like. There is no such thing as a hymen that covers the opening of the vagina. Instead, we call it the vaginal corona. It is not true that a woman always bleeds the first time she has sex, and it is not possible to look at the vagina and see if a woman has had sex or not.
Questions to think about after the video
- Is there anything in the video that surprises you or particularly moves you?
- What is the vaginal corona and where is it located? What is required in order to enjoy sex, and what happens to the vagina then?
- It isn’t true that girls and women always bleed the first time they have intercourse. The myth of the hymen is a false perception of what the vagina looks like and how it works, and it is used to control women’s sexuality. What can we all do to ensure that women can decide for themselves if they want to have sex, when and with whom?
Do you want to talk about the video?
Talking with someone about the video can feel important and give new insights. You might have questions and thoughts that are good to discuss with others rather than just thinking about them on your own. By sharing and listening to each other, we can get support and learn together.
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