Honour-related violence and oppression
About the video
This video is about honour-related violence and oppression. This is when family members control someone else’s body, sexuality and life. Sometimes this occurs through threats, violence and coercion. It can mean that you are not allowed to have relationships with whoever you want or sex before marriage. You will also learn about what Swedish law says and where you can turn for help.
Questions to think about after the video
- Is there anything in the video you think is especially important?
- How do the expectations on guys and girls differ in an honour context? How can someone counteract control and violence in the name of honour? How can someone support the person subjected to it?
- Children have the right to make decisions about their own lives. For example, teenagers have the right to choose who they want to date and the right to privacy. Where does the line go for what a parent gets to decide?
Do you want to talk about the video?
Talking with someone about the video can feel important and give new insights. You might have questions and thoughts that are good to discuss with others rather than just thinking about them on your own. By sharing and listening to each other, we can get support and learn together.
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